60% income per day
  • 165 355,46 $
    project turnover
  • 35069
  • 6127
  • 87 287,22 $
    paid out

FAQ | Agreement

FairyLegend - How it works!?
  • «FairyLegend» Agreement and FAQ

    This Agreement and FAQ regulate the stay of registered or wishing to register users on the site "FairyLegend" (hereinafter referred to as the Site & Site), obtaining access to the services of the service, the procedure for registering on the site, paying for selected services, regulates privacy and intellectual property rights. By registering on the site, a person (of legal age) further (Member & User) fully accepts the terms of this Agreement and FAQ without any reservations in the form as it is stated on the site "FairyLegend" and its mirrors.

    This Agreement enters into force for the user from the moment of registration of his account in the project "FairyLegend" and is valid for him permanently as long as he somehow interacts with "FairyLegend" or whatever mentions it.

  • Launching the servers

    When is launched, the administration distributed funds from the allocated reserve fund in the required planned shares until the project reaches self-sufficiency:

    1) Funds allocated for technical support of the project (payment for servers, domains, etc.).
    2) Funds planned to pay for advertising of the project at the beginning of each week until the project reaches self-sufficiency.
    3) Funds planned for the payment of participants' income from accrued bonus funds in their accounts.

  • Description of the tariff (Beginner):

    Active immediately after registration on the project, indefinitely and without investments with (gift from the project) in the amount of $10 and accruals of 0.5% per day. The bonus is issued for additional motivation of newcomers and training them to work with the project.

    On the basis of bonus funds, a beginner can withdraw real income to his wallet and accumulate a certain amount to switch to the tariff (Active).

  • Description of the tariff (Active):

    The basic tariff for all contributions of participants to the project. For any deposit, the amount of accruals is 60% per day, the term of the deposit is 48 hours (additional accruals from bonuses remain).

    The transition from the tariff (Beginner) to the tariff (Active) occurs automatically at the time of your first contribution to the project.

  • Important! How to take part in the project?

    1) To participate in the project you need to replenish the balance of your virtual inventory in your personal account, thereby transferring control of your funds to specialists "FairyLegend" .
    2) By managing your funds subject to your compliance with the agreements the FairyLegend project guarantees the payment of your income on time 40 days.
    3) You need to take into account that the administration of the "FairyLegend" project is primarily interested in increasing the number of positive responses and promoting the brand "FairyLegend" on the Internet! Therefore, each participant working with bonus funds or transferring his funds to management is given the obligatory task to be active, recommend the project and leave positive feedback about the project in all places available to him while the project administration is more than doubling the size of his virtual account!
    4) The main concept of earning that the "FairyLegend" project offers to its participants is designed primarily for active users who want to maximum quickly multiply your funds and understand how to do it! The activity of each user and his contribution to the promotion of the "FairyLegend" Brand is evaluated by the system (automatically) based on the presence and number of active referrals in his account. Based on this data, it is possible to accrue additional bonus funds in the form of contests for the most active users of the project!
    5) Under the terms of the agreement, in order to get additional income as quickly as possible, all users of the "FairyLegend" project are required to be active, recommend the project during all the places available to them, bringing other active users after them! your pages on social networks, forums of various topics, blogs like medium.com, tumblr.com, blogger.com, are very suitable for this. livejournal.com etc. Use any place where you can add some text or an active link! Publish your payments, positive feedback and recommendations about working with the project, share your successes and earn money on it using your referral link!
    The administration is unlikely to be able to buy advertising where you can give it for free for years to come, spending only a few minutes on it! Your activity will turn into additional income for you in the form of a referral reward! Don't believe? Look at the statistics on the payouts of other users, all the evidence is there!

  • Important concept - Active user!

    An active user (participant) is a person who invests not only his own funds! He also invests his time and effort in helping the project grow! Our project is designed specifically for such people and the more of them, the better it will be for everyone! Please don't be passive, leave your feedback about the project on social networks, post screenshots of your payouts and don't forget to leave your referral link ;)

  • Important concept - active referral!

    Active referral is a person who registered using your referral link and made any contribution!

  • Important concept - Inactive referral!

    Inactive referral is a person who has registered using your referral link but has not yet made his first deposit!

    Important! Bonus funds are not taken into account when calculating your referral reward when registering an inactive referral using your referral link!

    Don't get upset if you have a lot of inactive referrals. Many of them just look around and study the project before making their first contribution. This often takes a long time!

  • Can I earn without investments?

    Yes, you can earn without investments due to the referral program and the starting bonus!
    Recommend the project (for example, in social networks), bring new active participants and get referral rewards.
    Percentage of referral reward - 12% from your referrals - 5% from referrals of partners of the second level and 2% from referrals of partners of the third level!
    Restriction of withdrawal of income from the bonus once every 24 hours. There are no time limits for referral rewards!

  • Bonuses are real money?

    1) Yes bonuses are real money! But there is a condition for withdrawing income from bonus funds! There is no your activity in the form of helping the project in promoting the brand, then there are no payments from bonus funds! Your activity is measured by the presence of active referrals and the size of their contributions. To receive income from the bonus and withdraw it to your wallet, you need to bring active referrals!
    2) The bonus is given for additional motivation of newcomers and teaching them how to work with the project. On the basis of bonus funds, a beginner can withdraw real income to his wallet and accumulate a certain amount.
    3) Having gradually studied all the nuances of working with a project based on bonus funds, a beginner will be able to call himself an experienced user with full confidence. And after that, make a decision to contribute a larger amount to the project in addition to bonus funds to get more income.
    4) Perpetual tariff for bonus funds, this is also an additional motivation for participants not to forget about the project and return to it even after a long time!
    The accrual of bonus funds is a promotion! At the moment, the amount of bonus funds accrued to beginners upon registration in the project is $10. The amount of accrual of bonus funds can be changed downwards or removed altogether at any time by the decision of the administration. Bonuses received up to this point are stored on user accounts for the entire duration of the project and under the same conditions valid at the time of receiving the bonus.

  • What income will I receive?

    See the calculation of income in the section "Cabinet" after registration. (Profit calculator).

  • How are the payments going?

    Payments from the deposit are carried out instantly (instant) after pressing the button (Pay out) in your personal account. The interval between payments from the user's deposit is 24 hours, which ensures the optimal amount of checks and reduces the load on payment systems, which in turn eliminates the number of errors when ordering payments. Referral rewards do not have a withdrawal interval and can be withdrawn at any time!

  • Important! Multi-accounts - breaking the rules!

    For cheating referral rewards using multi-accounts - penalties at the discretion of the administration or blocking the entire network of accounts with all the ensuing consequences! The system automatically monitors the creation of multi-accounts according to many criteria. Do not think that if you change the IP, logins and registration time will not calculate you! It's useless, the whole network will be blocked!

    Recommendation! Do not use free VPNs, proxies and anonymizers while using the project. If they are used by many people other than you, then there is a small chance of being suspected of creating a network of multi-accounts! (Unlikely but still...)

  • Important! P/s - as is!

    The Service is provided "as is". Everything is set! Everything works automatically!

    Registering in the project «FairyLegend»:

    1) You confirm that you are of legal age!
    2) You have carefully read с FAQ and Agreement!
    3) You agree to all terms of use of the site!

    Administration reserves the right to add new items to FAQ (created based on the most frequently asked questions in tickets), correct the old ones without changing the important conditions and nuances of working with the project for users described in the Agreement.

    Thank you for being with us! Be active, bring your friends and the project will generously pay you rewards and bonuses! Your income depends on you!

FAQ | Agreement

Best regards administration «FairyLegend».